728334214 Polska

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  • 1499 Liczba wyświetleń:
  • 21.12.2024 Ostatnie wyświetlenie:
  • Ocena:
    3 - Neutralne
  • 2 Liczba komentarzy:
  • 21.10.2014 Ostatni komentarz:

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data komentarz
I agree with Kevin. I am constantly aazmed at how developers are their own worst enemy as they slowly (and sometimes quickly) dilute the core of their original concept. Case in point LinkedIn.com. They just added several new applications. While it appears that some of the applications compliment the original concept of LinkedIn, others appear to take away from its value.I think that one of the fundamental reasons why Twitter works is because it is so simple, as Kevin stated above. TwitterGroups, TwitterApps, TwitterMeetings, TwitterWhatever. At some point, Twitter can lose it's identity. Can someone explain what myspace or facebook are in simple and concrete terms. Are they simply social networking apps? Has the meaning of social networking evolved? How many people do you hear say that they don't use facebook anymore? Why is that? I propose that it is because no one can figure out what it is or does now.I hope the keepers of Twitter are content with letting Twitter be Twitter.
Firma windykacyjna Neutralne
terror telefoniczny
Nieznany Neutralne